Turntable.fm Launches iPhone App

::Originally Posted on the MI Blog 9/13/11::

“Social DJ service” turntable.fm released an iPhone application today that will allow users to engage in the service from their mobile device.

Mashable’s Chris Taylor downloaded the app today and wrote:

“Visually, the Stickybits team has done a great job of packing everything in to the small screen. It actually seems easier on the iPhone to scroll down the list of rooms people have created (the list loads as you scroll). Step into a room, and it looks exactly like a Turntable room should. Even packed with avatars, it’s not significantly slower. My iPhone 3GS was able to render a 200-avatar room with no problem; the music didn’t skip and the head-bobbing was smooth.”

But an app “this complex,” isn’t without it’s bugs.  “The first time I tried to spin, the app booted me off when it came to my tune. (Anecdotally, I heard a few stories of iPhone DJs getting booted; it’s easy to tell, because the avatar is holding a phone instead of a laptop). The second time, nobody could hear the music — despite it being a track I’d played successfully many times in the web client.”

Chris has no doubt, however, that Turntable will iron out these bugs shortly.

“With a $7 million round of funding led by Union Square Ventures, also announced Tuesday, the company now has a lot more resources. We can’t wait to try the (as yet unannounced) Android and iPad versions.”

Read more from MashableVentureBeat, & The Wall Street Journal.