Personal Blogging Attempt – Round 2

So it’s true that I’ve done this before. I have tried to maintain my own blog previously, during the earlier years of my career at UCLA, but once I became employed my attentions were put elsewhere – mainly to a blog which I curate for my employer. Because I write regularly for the Musicians Institute blog, I will most likely re-post some of that content, but I hope this will turn into a separate destination where I can host organized thoughts and musings on topics of my own interest.

I shall not dedicate a theme or subject matter to what will be found here. I would direct the audience to observe my varied interests as described in the description on my tumblr blog.

“Comparative Literature: Medieval to Baroque Spanish/French. Independent Music. Los Angeles. Foundational Fictions. Deep Ponderings. Muse at the surreal. Deep endorphic laughing. La Reconquista. Piano. Colonial America. Languages. Fiddlers on the roof. Banjos on traincars. Folk. Kerouac. Dustbowl. Tall Tales. GDP. Atlantic Trade post 1492. Covered Wagon. Le Salon des Lumières. L’Inquisición. Post-Colonial. Prozac. Qu’est-ce que vous croyez? Remember When?”

This is a mere chunk of my interests, which I hope to narrow down as I write over time and engage my intellectual faculties to investigate my own curiosities and satisfy my appetite for knowledge.