Patagonia Apparel Launches Music Collective

::Originally Posted on MI Blog 7/15/11::

Patagonia, the outdoor apparel company, has a long-standing reputation of advocacy for the environment. Their latest move to support the environment recruits the help of musicians worldwide to create an online music collective that raises funds for select non-profit environmental groups. The funds are raised by the sale of donated tracks and the funds generated by specific purchases go to the organization of the artist’s choice.

Musicians such as Pearl Jam, Bonnie Raitt, Ziggy Marley, Maroon 5, DeVotchKa, Toad the Wet Sprocket, John Scofield, and Jack Johnson are just a few of the many who have donated tracks to raise funds. The Patagonia Music Collective comes with the help of Seattle-born GIST Lab, a company that combines music and marketing to produce social results. Sue Devine of ASCAP spoke with Geoff Stanfield of GIST to gain more insight on the Patagonia project.

She asked Geoff several questions, one of which was about the mission and goals of the project.

Geoff answered, “The mission of Patagonia Music is to generate revenue and awareness for grass roots environmental non-profits through the sale of music. We also seek to engage and educate music fans on the environmental issues that we face as a community. Let’s face it, with current budget cuts that affect the EPA and other organizations, there is no more crucial a time for people to learn the issues and support organizations working in the environmental space.”

He also commented on how the project will assist Patagonia is achieving it’s goals as a company.

“From early on, Patagonia has made enviro- giving a core element of its business practice. PatagoniaMusic is both easy for the artist to use and a great way for fans to hear new music. One artist and his or her fan base focused on a single issue is powerful on its own, but when that equation is multiplied by many artists and many fans, it has an even greater impact. Patagonia may be a collection of climbers and outdoor enthusiasts, but they are about as punk rock and DIY as they come. The independent spirit is alive and well there and it runs through all the employees from front desk to CEO.”

When asked what the platform will achieve for the artists involved, Geoff said, “I believe that at the core of every artist is the desire to have an effect on something. That may be a person, an idea, a cause, or a movement. Artists are leaders and have a great deal of influence, able to provide direction to the people who choose to listen. Giving is not solely for the established rock star. If Patagonia Music can provide an opportunity for an artist, large or small, to do the right thing while making it reasonably streamlined for them to do so, then we have done our job.”

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